3 Effective Ways to Optimize Your Website for SEO

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In the world of SEO, there really are no shortcuts. It takes time and effort to create the right content, optimize it for the proper search terms, and then wait for the algorithm to do its work. It can take up to six months for new content to index on a website. Here are a few quick changes you can make today to improve your SEO rankings and optimize your website.

  1. Perform a Content Audit

    A content audit includes taking a look at all the existing content on your website and ranking its social value and finding out if it’s still relevant. Some of it might need a refresh or need to be repurposed, while other content might be evergreen and can stay up as a staple piece on your website. The key here is to create a system to look at everything you have and find ways to improve it.

    In some cases, it might benefit your rankings to take down old, outdated content and replace it with fresh new content. Google’s algorithm tends to favor up to date relevant content that’s useful to its audience. Keep this in mind when performing your audit and look for opportunities to increase the value.

  2. Brainstorm New Relevant Content and Keywords

    It always helps to keep a list of content ideas ready to go so that you can be innovating and staying ahead of the competition with content in your industry. Keeping track of content you want to write about and the relevant keywords in an organized place will help you jump on ideas quicker and build out the strategy you need in the long term.

  3. Fix Broken Links or SEO on the Backend of your Website.

    The number one thing you can do to improve your SEO today is to do a back-end audit of your website and see where things are broken. SEO has to do largely with algorithms and there’s a whole technical side to it. This can include everything from UX design, responsiveness of a website, and how a page is laid out. Think of websites you pull up on your phone and you can’t read the text, the font is too small, or the website isn’t responsive (i.e. it doesn’t resize to fit your mobile device). The Google algorithm penalizes you for all of this because it hinders the user experience. Keep this in mind when you’re deciding what to do with your website and making changes for SEO purposes.

Overall, these steps can help your SEO rankings and put you on the right track for attracting your ideal customers online.

Learn more about our SEO services and how they can help your business by reading this.

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